


I am a scholar and I am a citizen of a place.  I believe that learning, teaching, research, study, scholarship all share a public responsibility.  That responsibility is to make ideas, insights, observations, questions, lessons, knowledge as accessible as possible in order to serve the common good and to make our places stronger, healthier, better places to live for all people.  This is one of the guiding, defining impulses of The Poco Field: An American Story of Place.  This same understanding has shaped all of my administrative work, my teaching, my writing, and my civic work.

Peak's Knob - Pulaski County, Virginia


Since 1996, I have worked at Emory & Henry College in the Appalachian Center for Community Service. The mission and core values of the Center strive to articulate to students, partners, and colleagues this same commitment to the public responsibilities of scholarship, and to joining learning with service in a place-based approach to education.


Copyright (c) 2011 Talmage A. Stanley. All rights reserved.